Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Abbey Cats Adoptions, the cat rescue agency for which I volunteer, is having a

Black Tie Event

Adopt Black or Black and White or White with Black Kittens!!!

July 30 - August 12, 90.00 for 2 (That's 11.25/Paw)

These sweet, hard to place yet loving kittens are seeking happy homes and families to live out their lives.

Will you save a pair of loving kittens?

Provide all necessities: Food, shelter, comfort and companionship; add love to the mix and you'll have the perfect recipe for 24/7 entertainment and kitty-love.

Costs less than a day at the theme park and the benefits you reap go on for years.

And another benefit... you help us to rescue more cats & kittens

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love a kitty now.