Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Silkscreening results

Sadly, my printmaking class is over. It was great fun, and a good introduction to several printmaking techniques. In particular, I really enjoyed silkscreening, and will probably take an advanced class in the future. Here are some highlights of what I made (the coffee cup prints are linoblock):

I was able to produce quite a few prints on paper and fabric; some of the paper prints I've made into cards and will have them available at the craft sale this Sunday. The fabric pieces I plan on using to make bags or pouches of some sort(when I find the time!).


Sarah said...

I majored in printmaking. It's a very useful degree ;-)
I love it though it takes huge equipment more often than not.
Those look great!

SpecialK said...

I really enjoyed the silkscreening - I'm thinking of getting one of those do-it-at-home kits from Speedball. I see that you knit, but do you still do any printmaking?