Monday, November 29, 2010

This Saturday is the Movies and Makers show at the Fox Theatre. This is my second year doing this show, and I'm really looking forward to it - both the venue and neighbourhood are ideal for this kind of show. I can't wait to check out stuff from Coy Clothes!

This is my last show of the season, I've cut back a bit to focus on other projects. So if you're in the neighbourhood on Saturday, come have a look between 11:00-5:30 (free cupcakes to the first 100 people!).

Monday, November 22, 2010

It has begun...

As you can see from my worktable, things are a bit chaotic right now: my Etsy store has been busy with sales and custom orders, I have an upcoming craft show to prepare for, handmade Christmas gifts to make, and some film photography projects on the go. And, my sketchbook for the 2011 Sketchbook Project arrived the other day. In between working on other projects, I spent a lot of time thinking about how I was going to decorate the cover. Why I thought this was important I'm not sure, I guess I'm thinking it will provide inspiration for the rest of the book.

Although it may prove to be not very durable (may have to find a way to clear coat it), I decided to use handmade Japanese paper (washi) for the cover; I buy scrap packs from The Paper Place in Toronto and use them a lot in crafts, although sometimes I think the paper is too pretty to use. I decided to orient the book horizontally rather than vertically; this may affect the digital scanning process and how it's presented on the project's website, but I prefer the layout. Next I need to create a title page, and then the sketching begins.

Participants were asked to choose a theme, or have one randomly assigned. I chose Happy Thoughts... I go through periods of depression which gets worse during the winter, as it does for a lot of people, so I'm hoping this theme will help me in staying positive.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Current sewing projects

I've been trying to use up some of my larger pieces of fabric, so I recently made two new skirts and a messenger bag for myself.

This is the first piece of clothing I've made for which I drafted my own pattern. It was also the first time I sewed a pleat and used an invisible zipper. yay for me!

This is just a simple lightweight denim skirt with an elastic waistband.

Lastly, I needed a new bag for myself as the other one I made for myself was a bit too small. It has an adjustable strap, outer and inner slip pocket and an interior zippered pocket. I forget what the outside fabric is, I know I ordered it from Tonic Living, it may be Michael Miller?

Remember: I take custom orders for bags and other small accessories!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sketchbook project

A friend of mine posted a link to a project I couldn't resist to take part in: The 2011 Sketchbook Project. Participants are sent a Moleskine sketchbook (for a fee) in which they, well, sketch and doodle, based on a theme (not telling you what theme I chose yet). The sketchbooks are then sent back and become part of a touring exhibition, eventually ending up in a permanent collection at The Brooklyn Art Library. This is a great way to stay motivated on a creative level, and I'm really excited about filling up my sketchbook, and seeing how others interpret their theme. Stay tuned for updates!